Nestled in the tiny Texas community of High Hill (2 mi. N. of Schulenburg, TX) and centrally located between Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Victoria, our Texas country venue is perfect for weddings, receptions, and private parties. ?The Svetlik Farm? has been in the family for over 70 years and is conveniently situated in the rolling hills of South Central Texas and only 350 yards from the beautiful St. Mary?s Catholic Church -?Queen? of the famous ?Painted Churches.? This 100+ acre Farm venue represents the most authentic, rustic ceremony and reception barn in South Central Texas. With authentic rafted ceilings, perfect lighting, and tons of space to dance, or just mingle amongst family and friends, this venue provides for a comfortable, homegrown feel that most upscale venues just don?t offer. ?From nurturing and feeding Texas cattle, to housing tractors, square bales, and materials for the fence, our beautifully renovated barn now houses chandeliers, crystal, and memorable events!?